Andrew Parker

born in Abergavenny, Wales, UK, 1977
from Ebbw Vale, lives in Tredegar
1995-1999 Studied Geography @ Coventry University, England
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."
I started photography as a keen amateur, taking photographs on my holidays as I explored the world. I started to enjoy capturing my experiences through digital photography, and slowly I started to realise perhaps I had a good eye for composing a photograph.
I started with a simple fujifilm digital zoom camera S304, moved up to a Fuji finepix s9000, and then a Fuji HS10. Now, I have use DSLR Nikon D90.
I do process my photographs, through Photo Elements. I consider this the 'dark room' of the digital art.
I love travel, wildlife and landscapes photography, as well as specific types of sub genre photography such as contrast and silhouettes.
I have photographs available at Getty Images:
Oh yeah, if you have read this you are in the significant minority.
bio pic courtesy of my wife, on our honeymoon in Argentina, April 2008
Spectacle Photography is brought to you by the eye of Andrew Parker (previously Drew Parker Photography)